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Get interview-ready with VERA'S Practice Interview. Our product offers mock interview simulations, personalized feedback, and expert advice to help you ace your next interview. Boost your confidence and unlock your potential

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Get interview-ready with INFYGPT. Our product offers mock interview simulations, personalized feedback, and expert advice to help you ace your next interview. Boost your confidence and unlock your potential

Start Your AI-Enhanced Interview Journey

Supercharge your interview success. Ace every opportunity with our revolutionary interview preparation platform.

How it Works

01. Choose an
Interview Scenario

Select from a range of industry-specific interview scenarios.
Whether you're preparing for a job in tech, finance, marketing, or any other field, we have a variety of scenarios to suit your needs.

02. Conduct the Mock

Engage in a realistic interview experience with our advanced AI system. Respond to interview questions prompted by the AI, which will evaluate your answers based on key criteria such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and domain knowledge.

03. Receive Detailed Feedback and Analysis

Get comprehensive feedback on your performance immediately after the interview. Our AI-powered system will provide you with personalized insights, highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement. Learn valuable tips and strategies to enhance your interview skills and boost your chances of success.

Take interviews from 200+ companies

What you'll get

Comprehensive Interview Resources

We use a wide range of comprehensive interview resources that cover various industries, job roles, and interview types. This can include a vast library of commonly asked interview questions, behavioral questions, technical questions, and industry-specific interview tips. Ensure that the resources are regularly updated to align with the latest trends and practices in the job market.

Mock Interview Simulations

Provide users with the opportunity to practice their interview skills through interactive mock interview simulations. These simulations should closely replicate real-life interview scenarios, including video or audio-based interviews, panel interviews, or one-on-one sessions. Incorporate features such as recording and playback options to enable users to review and analyze their performance, allowing them to identify areas for improvement.

Personalized Feedback and Guidance

Offer personalized feedback and guidance to users after each mock interview or practice session. Provide them with constructive feedback on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Additionally, offer tailored recommendations and resources to help users enhance their interview skills and address any identified gaps.

Expert Advice and Tips

Include expert advice and tips from experienced professionals or industry experts to provide users with valuable insights into the interview process. This can involve articles, blog posts, or video content that covers interview strategies, body language, effective communication, and other relevant topics. The advice and tips should be easily accessible and well-organized to help users navigate and make the most of the provided information.

Practice Interviews for 100+ job roles

Student Testimonials

Anuj Rathore

Software Engineer at

I recently had the opportunity to experience the incredible benefits of using this product for Interview, and I am thrilled to share my review about this innovative platform. As a student preparing to enter the job market, I was anxious about the interview process and wanted to find a way to enhance my skills and gain confidence. That's when I came across VERA's Practice Interview, and it turned out to be a game-changer for me.

Diksha Soni

Web Designer at
Ugam Labs

As a student preparing to embark on my professional journey, I understand the significance of a successful job interview. Recently, I had the privilege of using VERA's Practice Interview, a remarkable online platform that has transformed my approach to interview preparation. It has played a pivotal role in elevating my interview skills.

Sana Sheikh

Software Engineer at

I recently had the opportunity to experience the incredible benefits of using VERA's Practice Interview for my new job interview, and I am thrilled to share my review about this innovative platform. As a student preparing to enter the job market, I was anxious about the interview process and wanted to find a way to enhance my skills and gain confidence. That's when I came across InfyGPT, and it turned out to be a game-changer for me.

Types of Interviews


A behavioral interview is an interview format that focuses on assessing a candidate's past behavior and experiences as a predictor of future performance. The interviewer asks questions about specific situations or scenarios the candidate has encountered in the past and how they responded to them.


A technical interview is an interview format that focuses on evaluating a candidate's technical knowledge, skills, and abilities related to a specific job or industry. The interviewer asks questions and presents problems or scenarios that require the candidate to demonstrate their expertise in areas such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, technical concepts, and practical application of skills.

Job Role Based

This interview refers to an interview format that focuses on assessing a candidate's suitability for a specific job role or position. This type of interview is tailored to evaluate the candidate's knowledge, skills, experience, and competencies required for the specific role they are applying for. The purpose is to assess the candidate's qualifications and determine if they possess the necessary expertise and capabilities to perform well in the role.


Provide users with the opportunity to practice their interview skills through interactive mock interview simulations. These simulations should closely replicate real-life interview scenarios, including video or audio-based interviews, panel interviews, or one-on-one sessions. Incorporate features such as recording and playback options to enable users to review and analyze their performance, allowing them to identify areas for improvement.

Frequently asked questions

What types of interviews can I practice with VERA?

VERA offers a variety of interview types to practice, including technical, behavioral, and role-based interviews. You can further tailor these based on your target job type, difficulty level, target companies, roles, and key skills.

How does VERA provide personalized interviews?

When setting up your practice interview, you can share your LinkedIn profile, allowing VERA to extract details about your education, work experience, and skills. VERA uses this information to create a personalized interview experience that mirrors real-world scenarios.

How does the feedback system work?

After each interview, VERA uses artificial intelligence to provide real-time, detailed feedback on your performance. It identifies your strengths and areas of improvement, offering practical tips to enhance your skills.

Can I reattempt the questions during the practice interview?

Yes, VERA allows you to reattempt questions based on the feedback given. This helps you understand and improve upon the areas you may be lacking in.

Is the practice interview with VERA similar to a real interview?

VERA's interview tool is designed to simulate real interview scenarios as closely as possible. This includes asking questions that reflect what you can expect in actual interviews and providing detailed feedback and tips.

Can I use VERA's interview tool to practice for interviews at specific companies?

Yes, VERA allows you to specify the target companies during the interview setup. This helps tailor the interview to reflect the styles and question patterns of your chosen companies.

Is there a limit to how many times I can practice with VERA?

There is no set limit to how many times you can practice with VERA. Regular and consistent practice is encouraged to help you improve your interview skills.

Can I use VERA to prepare for interviews in different fields?

Absolutely. VERA's tool is designed to cater to a wide range of roles and industries. You can specify your desired role and the system will adjust accordingly to provide a relevant practice experience.